Archivo de marzo de 2017

VLAN and switching

To start, we will explain some things about  the switch´s ports: To learn more, click de image: Now, let´s speak a little bit about the broadcast domain and how it works; A broadcast domain is a logical division of a computer network, in which all nodes can reach each other by broadcast at the data link layer. …

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Introduction to VLAN

To get started VLAN Administration VTP   How to give an IP to a Switch How to configurate VLAN into a Router Basic knowledge

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Router on a stick and global configuration (Networking)

PRESENTATION Hi everyone!, we are the group 3 of 1ASIR from (Maristak) and we are going to show you some exercises that we have done for all of you if you need to practice your network configuration studies. The topic about we are going to learn is about: ROAS configuration. We start from a simple practice …

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